The Jamaica Journal is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Institute of Jamaica since 1967. It publishes scholarly articles on the history, natural history, science, art, literature, music, and culture of Jamaica.
The Jamaica Journal is the Caribbean’s leading cultural publication on Jamaican Heritage, contemporary culture, social life, scientific and natural environment.
The Editor of the Jamaica Journal is Dr. Kim Robinson-Walcott.
Over the years the Jamaica Journal has successfully maintained a significant reach with subscribers in the Diaspora Communities across North America, the United Kingdom, and Europe as well as a large number of local readers.
The Back issues are available for research purpose on the Digital Library of the Caribbean “DLOC”
The magazine is printed in volumes we are currently at volume 37 which have two issues Nos. 1-2 and # 3
How to access the Journal
- Institute of Jamaica Giftshop
- Hard copies retail at selected pharmacies and bookshops islandwide
- Online access (only soft copy) via “Bookfusion”
Annual Subscription locally $3,000.00 ja. Dollar (this gives you two magazines)
Subscription details: CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE

76 King Street is a biennial scholarly journal published by Liberty Hall: The Legacy of Marcus Garvey under the auspices of the Friends of Liberty Hall (Marcus Garvey) Foundation. The journal is dedicated to the study of Marcus Garvey’s life, work and philosophy, and the history, culture and current affairs of Africa and the African Diaspora.
76 King Street accepts articles on proposed themes, biographical notes on Garveyites, articles, book reviews, reviews of Afro themed exhibitions, and literary texts related to the study of Garvey, Pan-Africanism and the history, culture and current affairs of Africa and the Diaspora. Queries should be made electronically to the Editor at 76kingstreetjournal@gmail.com.
Copies of the journal are available for purchase at the Marcus Mosiah Garvey Gift Shop at Liberty Hall: The Legacy of Marcus Garvey (76 King Street, Kingston) and via https://www.bookfusion.com/store/libertyhall.
The cost per issue is as follows:
Individuals JA $1,800 US $20 UK £13
Institution JA $4,000 US$45.00 UK £30.00
Epub US$15